Paintball formula "Child"

1h From 9 years

XPF2,400/person. Children's Paintball, the perfect formula for 9 to 12 year olds who want to compete.Average time: 45 min to 1 h. This course is exclu...

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Paintball "Initiation" formula

40 min From 13 years

XPF3,600/person. Paintball Initiation, the perfect formula for those who wish to discover the discipline.Average time: 40 min. This course is ideal fo...

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"Discovery" Paintball package

2h From 13 years

XPF5,000/person. Paintball Discovery, the perfect formula for a longer game.Average time: Between 1:30 to 3 hours. This course is ideal for those who...

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"Practice" Paintball Formula

3h From 13 years

XPF7,000/person. Paintball Practitioner, the perfect formula for a great paintball game.Average time: Between 3 to 4 hours. This course is ideal for t...

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